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 Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов 
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
В данной статье собраны аббревиатуры, а также родители гибридов. Следует заметить, что данные из разных источников часто противоречивы, поэтому данная статья не претендует на стопроцентную ботаническую и официальную достоверность. Но, надеюсь, пригодится при расшифровке названий. Информация взята из книг, а также с сайта RHS.

Дополнения от THE BEAST :ro_za: :
1. Официально, ботаники не приемлют сокращений. К тому же, данные иногда противоречат друг другу (в разных документах), а у некоторых гибридов сокращений нет.

2. Правило образования наименований гибридов: Если два природных родителя - имя составное и родителей. Если три и больше - произвольное имя, заканчивающееся на ara. Исключением из последнего правила служат рода, именованные до его возникновения.

3. При объединении/выделении природных родов имя гибрида, как правило, не меняется.

Acampe = Acp.
Acampodorum = Apd. = Acampe x Armodorum
Acampostylis = Acy. = Acampe x Rhynchostylis
Acinbreea = Acba. = Acineta x Embreea
Aciopea = Aip. = Acineta x Stanhopea
Adacidiglossum = Adg. = Ada x Oncidium x Rossioglossum
Adacidium = Adcm. = Ada x Oncidium
Adaglossum = Adgm. = Ada x Odontoglossum
Adamara = Adm. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia
Adapasia = Adps. = Ada x Aspasia
Adioda = Ado. = Ada x Cochlioda
Aerangis = Aergs.
Aerangaeris = Arg. = Aerangis x Rangearis
Aeranthes = Aerth.
Aerasconetia = Aescta. = Aerides x Ascocentrum x Neofinetia
Aeridachnanthe = Aed. = Aerides x Arachnis x Papilionanthe
Aeridachnis = Aerdns. = Aerides x Arachnis
Aeridanthe = Aet. = Aerides x Euanthe
Aerides = Aer.
Aeridisia = Aersa. = Aerides x Ludisia
Aeriditis = Aerdts. = Aerides x Doritis
Aeridocentrum = Aerctm. = Aerides x Ascocentrum
Aeridochilus = Aerchs. = Aerides x Sarcochilus
Aeridofinetia = Aerf. = Aerides x Neofinetia
Aeridoglossum = Aergm. = Aerides x Ascoglossum
Aeridoglottis = Aegts. = Aerides x Trichoglottis
Aeridopsis = Aerps. = Aerides x Phalaenopsis
Aeridopsisanthe = Athe. = Aerides x Euanthe x Vandopsis
Aeridovanda = Aerdv. = Aerides x Vanda
Aeridovanisia = Aervsa. = Aerides x Luisia x Vanda
Agananthes = Agths. = Aganisia x Cochleanthes
Aganax (Pabanisia) = Agx. (Pbn.) = Aganisia x Colax (Pabstia)
Aganopeste = Agt. = Aganisia x Lycaste x Zygopetalum
Agasepalum = Agsp. = Aganisia x Zygosepalum
Aitkenara = Aitk. = Otostylis x Zygopetalum x Zygosepalum
Alangreatwoodara (Propabstopetalum) = Agwa. (Pbt.) = Colax (Pabstia) x Promenaea x Zygopetalum
Alantuckerara = Atc. = Neogardneria x Promenaea
Alcockara = Alc. = Caularthron x Guarianthe x Laelia x Sophronitis
Alexanderara = Alxra. = Brassia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Aliceara = Alcra. = Brassia x Miltonia x Oncidium
Allenara = Alna. = Cattleya x Diacrium x Epidendrum x Laelia
Allionara = Aln. = Cattleya x Laelia x Myrmecophila x Sophronitis
Alphonsoara = Alph. = Arachnis x Ascocentrum x Vanda x Vandopsis
Amesangis = Am.
Amesilabium = Aml. = Amesiella x Tuberolabium
Anabarlia = Anb. = Anacamptis x Dactylorhiza
Anagymnorhiza = Agz. = Anacamptis x Dactylorhiza
Anaphorkis = Apk. = Ansellia x Graphorkis
Andascodenia (Ascofadanda) = Add. (Afd.) = Ascocentrum x Seidenfadenia x Vanda
Andreettara = Are. = Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Zelenkoa
Andrewara = Andw. = Arachnis x Renanthera x Trichoglotis x Vanda
Angida = Agd. = Anguloa x Ida
Anglyda = Ayd. = Anguloa x Lycaste x Ida
Angraecentrum = Angctm. = Angraecum x Ascocentrum
Angraecostylis = Angsts. = Angraecum x Rhynchostylis
Angreacum = Angcm.
Angraecyrtanthes = Ancyth. = Aeranthes x Angraecum x Cyrtorchis
Angraeorchis = Angchs. = Angraecum x Cyrtorchis
Angrangis = Angrs. = Aerangis x Angraecum
Angranthellea = Angtla. = Aeranthes x Angraecum x Jumellea
Angranthes = Angth. = Aeranthes x Angraecum
Angreoniella = Angnla. = Angraecum x Oeoniella
Anguloa = Ang.
Angulocaste = Angcst. = Anguloa x Lycaste
Anikaara = Ank. = Ada x Brassia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Ankersmitara = Akr. = Cattleya x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Anoectodes = Atd. = Anoectochilus x Macodes
Anoectomaria (Ludochilus) = Anctma. = Anoectochilus x Haemaria (Ludisia)
Ansidium = Asdm. = Ansellia x Cymbidium
Anthechostylis = Anth. = Euanthe x Rhynchostylis
Antheglottis = Antg. = Euanthe x Trichoglottis
Antheranthe = Anr. = Euanthe x Renanthera
Appletonara = Aea. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Laelia
Aracampe = Arcp. = Arachnis x Acampe
Arachnocentron = Act. = Arachnis x Cleisocentron
Arachnoglossum = Arngm. = Arachnis x Ascoglossum
Arachnoglottis = Arngl. = Arachnis x Trichoglottis
Arachnopsirea = Aps. = Arachnis x Phalaenopsis x Sedirea
Arachnopsis = Arnps. = Arachnis x Phalaenopsis
Arachnostyllis = Arnst. = Arachnis x Rhynchostylis
Arachnostynopsis = Asy. = Arachnis x Phalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis
Aranda = Aranda = Arachnis x Vanda
Arandanthe = Aran. = Arachnis x Euanthe x Vanda
Aranthera = Arnth. = Arachnis x Renanthera
Aristotleara = Ari. = Cattleya x Domingoa x Prosthechea x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Arizara = Ariz. = Cattleya x Domingoa x Epidendrum
Armanda = Ard. = Armodorum x Vanda
Armandacentrum = Adc. = Armodorum x Ascocentrum x Vanda
Armocentron = Art. = Armodorum x Cleisocentron
Armochilus = Arl. = Armodorum x Staurochilus
Ascandopsis = Ascdps. = Ascocentrum x Vandopsis
Ascocenda = Ascda. = Ascocentrum x Vanda
Ascocentrum = Asctm.
Ascocleinetia = Ascln. = Ascocentrum x Cleisocentron x Neofinetia
Ascofadanda = Afd. = Ascocentrum x Seidenfadenia x Vanda
Ascofinetia = Ascf. = Ascocentrum x Neofinetia
Ascogastisia = Agsta. = Ascocentrum x Gastrochilus x Luisia
Ascoglottis = Asgts. = Ascocentrum x Trichoglottis
Asconopsis = Ascps. = Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis
Ascoparanthera = Apn. = Ascoglossum x Paraphalaenopsis x Renanthera
Ascorachnis = Ascns. = Ascocentrum x Arachnis
Ascoralda = Ald. = Ascocentrum x Esmeralda
Ascorhynopsis = Arp. = Ascocentrum x Paraphalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis
Ascovandandanthe = Adv. = Ascocentrum x Papilionanthe x Vanda
Ascovandoritis = Asvts. = Ascocentrum x Doritis x Vanda
Ashtonara = Atn. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Ascorhynopsis = Arp. = Ascocentrum x Paraphalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis
Aspaleomnia = Alm. = Aspasia x Leochilus x Tolumnia
Aspasia = Asp.
Aspasium = Aspsm. = Aspasia x Oncidium
Aspasiopsis = Apo. = Aspasia x Miltoniopsis
Aspezia = Apz. = Aspasia x Rodriguezia
Aspioda = Asid. = Aspasia x Cochlioda
Aspodonia = Aspd. = Aspasia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
Aspoglossum = Aspgm. = Aspasia x Odontoglossum
Aspomesa = Apm. = Aspasia x Gomeza
Aspopsis = Aso. = Aspasia x Psychopsis
Australia = Ast. = Australorchis x Dockrillia
Ayubara = Ayb. = Aerides x Arachnis x Ascoglossum

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06 июл 2009, 01:45
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Backhouseara = Bka. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Guarianthe x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Bakerara = Bak. = Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Balaguerara = Blga. = Broughtonia x Epidendrum x Laeliopsis x Tetramicra
Baldwinara = Bdwna. = Aspasia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Balenkezia = Blk. = Baptistonia x Rodriguezia x Zelenkoa
Balfourara = Blf. = Broughtonia x Caulathron x Guarianthe x Laelia x Sophronitis
Ballantineara = Bln. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe
Balmeara = Blm. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Epidendrum x Laelia x Sophronitis
Banfieldara = Bnfd. = Ada x Brassia x Odontoglossum
Bapticidium = Btcm. = Baptistonia x Oncidium
Baptiguezia = Bpt. = Baptistonia x Rodriguezia
Baptikoa = Btk. = Baptistonia x Zelenkoa
Baptioda = Bpd. = Baptistonia x Cochlioda
Baptirettia = Btta. = Baptistonia x Comparettia
Baptistoglossum = Bpgm. = Baptistonia x Odontoglossum
Baptistonia = Bapt.
Barangis = Brgs. = Aerangis x Barombia
Baraniara = Bnr. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Barbosaara = Bbra. = Cochlioda x Gomesa x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Barbosella = Bar.
Barcatanthe = Bkt. = Bakeria x Cattleya x Guarianthe
Barclia = Bac. = Barkeria x Encyclia
Bardendrum = Bard. = Barkeria x Epidendrum
Barkeranthe = Ber. = Barkeria x Guarianthe
Barkeria = Bark.
Barkonitis = Bknts. = Barkeria x Sophronitis
Barkronleya = Bry. = Barkeria x Cattleya x Sophronitis
Barnesara = Ban. = Caularthron x Encyclia x Laelia x Sophronitis
Barombia = Brmb.
Bartlettara = Btt. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Myrmecophila x Sophronitis
Bateostylis = Btst. = Batemannia x Otostylis
Batemannia = Btmna.
Baumannara = Bmnra. = Comparettia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Beadlea = Bdla.
Beallara = Bllra. = Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
Beardara = Bdra. = Ascocentrum x Doritis x Phalaenopsis
Beclardia = Becl.
Belgeara = Beg. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Bennett-Poeara = Bpr. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laelia x Prosthechea
Benthamara = Ben. = Arachnis x Euanthe x Paraphalaenopsis
Benzingia = Ben.
Beranekara = Bek. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Berkeleyara = Bkl. = Cattleya x Laelia x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Bertara = Ber. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Sophronitis
Bifranisia = Bfsa. = Aganisia x Bifrenaria
Bifrenaria = Bif.
Bifrenidium = Bifdm. = Bifrenaria x Zygowarrea
Bifreniella = Bifla. = Bifrenaria x Rudolfiella
Bilneyara = Bny. = Cattleya x Myrmecophila x Prosthechea x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Biltonara = Bilt. = Ada x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
Binotia = Bntia.
Binotioda = Bid. = Binotia x Cochlioda
Bishopara = Bish. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Sophronitis
Blackara = Blkr. = Aspasia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
Blephariglottis = Blphrg.
Bletiaglottis = Blgts. = Bletia x Spathoglottis
Bletilla = Ble.
Bloomara = Blma. = Broughtonia x Laeliopsis x Tetramicra
Bogardara = Bgd. = Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis x Vanda x Vandopsis
Bokchoonara = Bkch. = Arachnis x Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis x Vanda
Bollea = Bol.
Bolleanthes = Blth. = Bollea x Cochleanthes
Bollopetalum = Blptm. = Bollea x Zigopetalum
Bolusiella = Blsll.
Bonatea = Bnt.
Bonniera = Bnnra.
Bonplandara= Bnp. = Cochlioda x Cuitlauzina x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Bootara = Boo. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Prosthechea
Borwickara = Bor. = Barkeria x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Bothriochilus = Bthrch.
Bovornara = Bov. = Arachnis x Ascocentrum x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Bowringara = Bow. = Brassavola x Caularthron x Laelia x Sophronitis
Brachionidium = Brchnd.
Brachtia = Bra.
Brachycorythis = Brchcr.
Bradeara = Brade. = Comparettia x Gomesa x Rodriguezia
Bramiltumnia = Bmt. = Brassia x Miltonia x Tolumnia
Brapacidium = Bpc. = Aspasia x Brassia x Oncidium
Brapasia = Brap. = Aspasia x Brassia
Brasadastele = Bdt. = Ada x Brassia x Rhynchostele
Brascidostele = Bcd. = Brassia x Oncidium x Rhynchostele
Brasophonia = Bsh. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Sophronitis
Brassacathron = Bcn. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Caularthron
Brassada = Brsa. = Ada x Brassia
Brassanthe = Bsn. = Brassavola x Guarianthe
Brassattlia = Btl. = Brassavola x Cattleya
Brassavola = B.
Brassia = Brs.
Brassidium = Brsdm. = Brassia x Oncidium
Brassioda = Broda. = Brassia x Cochlioda
Brassocatanthe = Bct. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Guarianthe
Brassocattleya = Bc. = Brassavola x Cattleya
Brassochilum = Bss. = Brassia x Cyrtochilum
Brassochilus = Brchs. = Brassia x Leochilus
Brassodiacrium = Bdia. = Brassavola x Diacrium
Brassoepidendrum = Bepi. = Brassavola x Epidendrum
Brassoepilaelia = Bpl. = Brassavola x Epidendrum x Laelia
Brassokeria = Brsk. = Barkeria x Brassavola
Brassolaelia = Bl. = Brassavola x Laelia
Brassolaeliocattleya = Blc. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Laelia
Brassolaeliophila = Blpr. = Brassavola x Laelia x Myrmecophila
Brassomicra = Bmc. = Brassavola x Tetramicra
Brassophranthe = Bsp. = Brassavola x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Brassophronitis = Bnts. = Brassavola x Sophronitis
Brassopsis = Bnts. = Brassavola x Sophronitis
Brassostele = Bst. = Brassia x Rhynhostele
Brassotonia = Bstna. = Brassavola x Broughtonia
Brianara = Brn. = Galeottia x Pabstia x Promenaea Zygopetalum
Briggs-Buryara = Bba. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Myrmecophila x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Brilliandeara = Brlda. = Aspasia x Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Broanthevola = Btv. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Guarianthe
Brolaelianthe = Blt. = Broughtonia x Guarianthe x Laelia
Brolaephila = Brh. = Broughtonia x Laeliopsis x Myrmecophila
Brolarchilis = Boc. = Broughtonia x Caularthron x Psychilis
Bromecanthe = Brm. = Broughtonia x Guarianthe x Myrmecophilia
Bromheadia = Brom.
Brongniartara = Bgn. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Caularthron x Laelia x Prosthechea x Psychilis x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Brossitonia = Bit. = Brassia x Miltonia x Rossioglossum
Broughtonia = Bro.
Brownara = Bwna. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Diacrium
Brummittara = Brum. = Comparettia x Odontoglossum x Rodriguezia
Buiara = Bui. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Sophronitis
Bulbophyllum = Bulb.
Bulborobium = Bbr. = Bulbophyllum x Dendrobium
Bullara = Bul. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia
Burkhardtara = Bktra. = Leochilus x Odontoglossum x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Burkillara = Burk. = Aerides x Arachnis x Vanda
Burkinshawara = Bkw. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Myrmecophila x Pseudolaelia x Sophronitis
Burrageara = Burr. = Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium

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07 июл 2009, 01:29
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Cadetia = Cad.
Cahuzacara = Chz. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia
Caladenia = Calda.
Calanthe = Cal.
Calaeonitis = Can. = Caularthron x Laelia x Sophronitis
Calanthe = Cal.
Calassodia = Calsd. = Caladenia x Glossodia
Caloarethusa = Clts. = Arethusa x Calopogon
Calochilus = Clchs.
Calomitra = Cmta. = Calochilus x Thelymitra
Calopotilla = Ctp. = Bletilla x Calopogon
Calyptrochilum = Clypt.
Cambria -> Bllra = Commercial name for Intergeneric hybrids of Odontoglossum, Oncidium, Miltonia, Cochlioda and Brassia See also.-> Beallara
Campbellara = Cmpba. = Odontoglossum x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Campylocentrum = Cmplcn.
Capanemia = Cap.
Cappeara = Cpa. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Carmichaelara = Crml. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Laelia
Carpenterara = Cptra. = Baptistonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Carrara = Car. = Ascocentrum x Euanthe x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Carterara = Ctra. = Aerides x Renanthera x Vandopsis
Casoara = Csr. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Laeliopsis
Catamangis = Cag. = Catasetum x Grammangis
Catamodes = Ctmds. = Catasetum x Mormodes
Catanoches = Ctmchs. = Catasetum x Cycnoches
Catasandra = Ctsda. = Catasetum x Galeandra
Catasellia = Ctsl. = Ansellia x Catasetum
Catasetum = Ctsm.
Catcattleyella = Ctc. = Cattleya x Cattleyella
Catcaullia = Ctll. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Encyclia
Catcylaelia = Ctyl. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Laelia
Catminichea = Cnc. = Cattleya x Domingoa x Prosthechea
Cattkeria = Cka. = Barkeria x Cattleya
Cattleya = C.
Cattleychea = Ctyh. = Cattleya x Prosthechea
Cattleyopsisgoa = Ctpga. = Cattleyopsis x Domingoa
Cattleyopsis = Ctps.
Cattleyopsistonia = Ctpsta. = Broughtonia x Cattleyopsis
Cattleytonia = Ctna. = Broughtonia x Cattleya
Cattlianthe = Ctt. = Cattleya x Guaruanthe
Cattoniphila = Ctph. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Myrmecophila
Cattotes = Ctts. = Cattleya x Leptotes
Cattychilis = Cyi. = Cattleya x Psychilis
Catyclia = Cty. = Cattleya x Encyclia
Cauchostele = Cus. = Caucaea x Rhynchostele
Caucidium = Ccd. = Caucaea x Oncidium
Caularstedela = Clt. = Caularthron x Oerstedella
Caulaelia = Cll. = Caularthron x Laelia
Caularstedella = Clt. = Caularthron x Oerstedella
Caularthron = Clrthr.
Caulavola = Clv. = Brassavola x Diacrium
Caulbardendrum = Cbd. = Barkeria x Caularthron x Epidendrum
Cauldenclia = Cdc. = Caularthron x Encyclia x Epidendrum
Cauliopsis = Clps. = Caularthron x Laeliopsis
Caulkeria = Ckr. = Barkeria x Caularthron
Caulocattleya = Clty. = Cattleya x Caularthron
Caulrianitis = Cul. = Caularthron x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Caultonia = Cul. = Broughtonia x Caularthron
Cautonleya = Cny. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Caularthron
Cephalanthera = Ceph.
Cephalopactis = Cpts. = Cephalanthera x Epicactis
Ceporillia = Cpv. = Cepobaculum x Dockrillia
Ceratocentron = Crtn.
Ceratostylis = Crtstl.
Ceratograecum = Crgm. = Angraecum x Ceratocentron
Ceratosiella = Csl. = Amesiella x Ceratocentron
Chadwickara = Cdw. = Pabstia x Zygopetalum x Zygosepalum
Chamaeangis = Chmngs.
Chamberlainara = Cba. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Encyclia x Laelia x Sophronitis
Chamelophyton = Chmph.
Changara = Cng. = Ada x Brassia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Charlerworthara = Cha. = Cochlioda x Miltonia x Oncidium
Charlieara = Charl. = Rhynchostylis x Vanda x Vandopsis
Chaubardianthes = Chbth. = Chaubardiella x Cochleanthes
Chaubardiella = Chbrdl.
Chelonistele = Chlnst.
Chelychocentrum = Cyh. = Chelyorchis x Trichocentrum
Chelycidium = Chd. = Chelyorchis x Oncidium
Chelyopsis = Cey. = Chelyorchis x Psychopsis
Chewara = Chew. = Aerides x Renanthera x Rhynchostylis
Chilocentrum = Chctm. = Ascocentrum x Chiloschista
Chiloglottis = Chlglt.
Chiloschista = Chsch.
Chinheongara = Chi. = Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis
Chondranthes = Cdths. = Chondrorhyncha x Cochleanthes
Chondrobollea = Chdb. = Bollea x Chondrorhyncha
Chondropetalum = Cho. = Chondrorhyncha x Zygopetalum
Chondrorhyncha = Chdrh.
Chrisandra = Csn. = Christensonia x Vanda
Chrisanthera = Chrt. = Christensonia x Renanthera
Chrisnopsis = Cps. = Christensonia x Paraphalaenopsis
Christendoritis = Cdt. = Christensonia x Doritis
Christensonia = Chrstn.
Christieara = Chtra. = Aerides x Ascocentrum x Vanda
Christocentrum = Crc. = Ascocentrum x Christensonia
Chuanyenara = Chnya. = Arachnis x Renanthera x Rhynchostylis
Chuatianara = Chtn. = Neofinetia x Renanthera x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Chyletia = Chlt. = Bletia x Chysis
Chysis = Chy.
Chytroglossa = Chyt.
Cirrhaea = Cra.
Cirrhopea = Chpa. = Cirrhaea x Stanhopea
Cirrhopetalum = Cirr.
Cirrhophyllum = Crphm. = Bulbophyllum x Cirrhopetalum
Cischostalix = Cstx. = Cischweinfia x Sigmatostalix
Cischweinfia = Cisch.
Clarkeara = Clka. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Diacrium x Laelia x Sophronitis
Claudegayara = Cgy. = Cochlioda x Miltoniopsis x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Claudehamiltonara = Cdh. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Guarianthe
Clayara = Cay. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Prosthechea x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Cleisocalpa = Clclp. = Cleisocentron x Pomatocalpa
Cleisocentron = Clctn.
Cleisodes = Clsd. = Aerides x Cleisocentron
Cleisofinetia = Clfta. = Cleisocentron x Neofinetia
Cleisomeria = Clsmr.
Cleisonopsis = Clnps. = Cleisocentron x Phalaenopsis
Cleisopera = Clspa. = Cleisostoma x Micropera
Cleisoquetia = Clq. = Cleisocentron x Robiquetia
Cleisostoma = Cleis.
Clesostylis = Clsty. = Cleisocentron x Rhynchostylis
Cleisotheria = Cltha. = Cleisostoma x Pelatantheria
Clomophyllum = Clm. = Clowesia x Mormodes x Grammatophyllum
Cloughara = Cgh. = Catasetum x Clowesia x Cycnoches
Clowenoches = Clw. = Catasetum x Cycnoches
Clowesetum = Clo. = Catasetum x Clowesia
Clowesia = Cl. (Clow.)
Cochardia = Ccr. = Chaubardia x Cochleanthes
Cochella = Chla. = Cochleanthes x Mendoncella
Cochleanthes = Cnths.
Cochlecaste = Cccst. = Cochleanthes x Lycaste
Cochlenia = Cclna. = Cochleanthes x Stenia
Cochleottia = Colta. = Cochleanthes x Galeottia
Cochlepetalum = Ccptm. = Cochleanthes x Zygopetalum
Cochlesepalum = Cos. = Cochleanthes x Zygosepalum
Cochlezia = Ccz. = Cochlioda x Rodriguezia
Cochlioda = Cda.
Cochliodopsis = Cdp. = Cochlioda x Miltoniopsis
Cochlistele = Cit. = Cochlioda x Rhynchostele
Cochloncopsis = Ccp. = Cochlioda Miltoniopsis x Oncidium
Cochlumnia = Ccl. = Cochlioda x Tolumnia
Coeleione = Coeln. = Coelogyne x
Coeliopsis = Clpss.
Coelogyne = Coel.
Colasepalum (Pabstosepalum) = Clsm. (Pss.) = Colax (Pabstia) x Zygosepalum
Colaste (Lycabstia) = Cste. (Lbs.) = Colax (Pabstia) x Lycaste
Colax (Pabstia) = Clx (Pab.)
Coleara = Cole. = Cattleya x Cattleyella x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Coleottia (Galabstia) = Cta. (Gbs.) = Colax (Pabstia) x Galeottia
Colax (Pabstia) = Clx.
Collierara = Col. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Caularthron x Laelia
Colmanara = Colm. = Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Calopogon = Cpg.
Commersonara = Cmm. = Cochlioda x Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum x Zelenkoa
Comparettia = Comp.
Comparumnia = Cmr. = Comparettia x Tolumnia
Comparettia = Comp.
Compelenzia = Cpz. = Comparettia x Rodriguezia x Zelenkoa
Comstanciaara = Cnt. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Conphronitis = Conph. = Constancia x Sophronitis
Constantia = Const.
Cookara = Cook. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Diacrium x Laelia
Corningara = Coa. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Coronadoara = Crd. = Ascocentrum x Christensonia x Vanda
Coryanthes = Crths.
Corybas = Crybs.
Coryhopea = Crhpa. = Coryanthes x Stanhopea
Corymborkis = Crmbrk.
Cowperara = Cow. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Laelia x Sophronitis
Cranichis = Crnchs.
Cravenara = Crv. = Cattleya x Guarianthe x Prosthechea x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Crawshayara = Craw. = Aspasia x Brassia x Miltonia x Oncidium
Cryptarrhena = Crptrr.
Cryptocentrum = Crptcm.
Cryptochilus = Crypch.
Cryptopus = Crypt.
Cryptostylis = Crptst.
Cuitlacidium = Cud. = Cuitlauzina x Oncidium
Cuitlauzina = Cuit.
Cuitliodaglossum = Cdg. = Cochlioda x Cuitlauzina x Odontoglossum
Cuitlumnia = Ctn. - Cuitlauzina x Tolumnia
Cycatonia = Cct. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Encyclia
Cyclodes = Cld. = Clowesia x Cychnoches x Mormodes
Cyclopogon = Cycl.
Cycnandra = Cycda. = Cycnoches x Galeandra
Cychnoches = Cyc.
Cyclopogon = Cycl. (Cyclpg.)
Cycnandra = Cycda. = Cycnoches x Galeandra
Cycnodes = Cycd. = Cycnoches x Mormodes
Cycnophyllum = Cnp. = Cycnoches x Grammatophyllum
Cycsellia = Cysl. = Ansellia x Cycnoches
Cymaclosetum = Cma. = Catasetum x Clowesia x Cymbidium
Cymasetum = Cymst. = Catasetum x Cymbidium
Cymbidiella = Cymla.
Cymbidimangis = Cdn. = Cymbidiella x Grammangis
Cymbidium = Cym.
Cymbiliorchis = Cbl. = Brasiliorchis x Cymbidium
Cymbipetalum = Cbp. = Cymbidium x Zygopetalum
Cymphiella = Cymph. = Cymbidium x Eulophiella
Cynorkis = Cyn.
Cynosorchis = Cynsch.
Cyperorchis = Cporch.
Cypripedium = Cyp.
Cyrassostele = Crs. = Brassia x Cyrtochilum x Rhynchostele
Cyrollaria = Clr. = Cyrtochilum x Maxillaria
Cyrtellia = Cyrtl.
Cyrtidiorchis = Cyrtd.
Cyrtochilum = Cyrtch.
Cyrtocidium = Ctd. = Cyrtochilum x Oncidium
Cyrtodontella = Cdo. = Cochlioda x Cyrtochilum Odontoglossum
Cyrtoglossum = Cgl. = Cyrtochilum x Odontoglossum
Cyrtoglottis = Cyrtgl.
Cyrtogramcymbidium = Cgc. = Cyrtopodium x Cymbidium x Grammatophyllum
Cyrtolauzina = Cyz. = Cuitlauzina x Cyrtochilum
Cyrtolioda = Crl. = Cochlioda x Cyrtochilum
Cyrtoniopsis = Crn. = Cyrtochilum x Miltoniopsis
Cyrtopodium = Cyrt.
Cyrtiella = Cyrtl. = Ansiellia x Cyrtopodium
Cyrtorchis = Cyrtcs.

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09 июл 2009, 01:54
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Dactylodenia = Dactylorhiza x Gymnadenia
Dactylorhiza = Dact.
Dallemagneara = Dlm. = Cattleya x Guarianthe x Laelia x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Darwinara = Dar. = Ascocentrum x Neofinetia x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Davidhuntara = Dvh. = Chaubardia x Cochleanthes x Pescatoria
Davidsonara = Dvd. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Laelia x Prosthechea
Debruyneara = Dbra. = Ascocentrum x Luisia x Vanda
Degarmoara = Dgmra. = Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
Deiselara = Dsla. = Laelia x Schomburgkia x Sophronitis
Dekensara = Dek. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Schomburgkia
Dendrobium = Den.
Dendrochilum = Dend.
Dendrogeria = Denga. Dendrobium x Flickingeria
Dendrophylax = Denphx.
Deprinsara = Dpn. = Cattleya x Leptotes x Sophronitis
Derosaara = Droa. = Aspasia x Brassia x Miltonia x Odontoglossum
Devereuxara = Dvra. = Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis x Vanda
Diabroughtonia = Diab. = Broughtonia x Diacrium
Diacattleya = Diaca. = Cattleya x Diacrium
Diacrium = Diacm.
Diadenium = Ddnm.
Diakeria = Dkra. = Barkeria x Diacrium
Dialaelia = Dial. = Diacrium x Laelia
Dialaeliocattleya = Dialc. = Cattleya x Diacrium x Laelia
Dialaeliopsis = Dialps. = Diacrium x Laeliopsis
Diaphanangis = Dpgs. = Aerangis x Diaphananthe
Diaphananthe = Dpthe.
Dichaea = Dcha.
Dichromoglottis = Dct. = Dichromanthus x Sarcoglottis
Dieselara = Dsla. = Laelia x Schomburgkia x Sophronitis
Dillonara = Dill. = Epidendrum x Laelia x Schomburgkia
Dimorphorchis = Dmrphr.
Diothonea = Dthn.
Diovallia = Dvl. = Diodonopsis x Masdevallia
Diplocaulobium = Dplclb.
Diplomeris = Dplms.
Diplonopsis = Dpnps. = Diploprora x Phalaenopsis
Diploprora = Dpra.
Dipteranthus = Dptrnt.
Disphananthe = Dsphn.
Dixuanara = Dix = Aerides x Arachnis x Ascocentrum x Paraphalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis
Docjonesia = Djn. = Davejonesia x Dockrillia
Dockrilobium = Dok. = Dendrobium x Dockrillia
Doinara = Don. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laelia x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Domindesmia = Ddma. = Domingoa x Hexadesmia
Domingoa = Dga.
Domintonia = Dmtna. = Broughtonia x Domingoa
Dominyara = Dmya. = Ascocentrum x Luisia x Neofinetia x Rhynchostylis
Domliopsis = Dmlps. = Domingoa x Laeliopsis
Donaestelaara = Dnt. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Psychilis x Tetramicra
Doncollinara = Dclna. = Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Rodriguezia
Dorandopsis = Ddps. = Doritis x Vandopsis
Doredirea = Drd. = Doritis x Sedirea
Doreenhuntara = Dhta. = Bollea x Cochleanthes x Keferstenia x Pescatorea
Doricentrum = Dctm. = Ascocentrum x Doritis
Doriella/Doridium = Drlla. = Doritis x Kingiella/Kingidium
Doriellaopsis/Doriopsisium = Dllps. = Doritis x Kingiella/Kingidium x Phalaenopsis
Dorifinetia = Dfta. = Doritis x Neofinetia
Doriglossum = Drgm. = Ascoglossum x Doritis
Dorisia = Drsa. = Doritis x Luisia
Doristylis = Dst. = Doritis x Rhynchostylis
Doritaenopsis = Dtps. = Doritis x Phalaenopsis
Doritis = Dor.
Dorthera = Dtha. = Doritis x Renanthera
Dossinia = Doss.
Dossinimaria (Dossisia) = Dsma. (Dsi.) = Dossinia x Haemaria (Ludisia)
Dossinochilus = Dsh. = Anoectochilus x Dossinia
Dossinodes = Dnd. = Dossinia x Macodes
Dossinyera = Dny. = Dossinia x Goodyera
Downsara = Dwsa. = Aganisia x Batemannia x Otostylis x Zygosepalum
Dracula = Drac.
Dracuvallia = Drvla. = Dracula x Masdevallia
Dresslerara = Dres. = Ascoglossum x Phalaenopsis x
Dresslerella = Drslla.
Dressleria = Drsslr.
Drewettara = Dwt. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Dryadella = Drya.
Drymoanthus = Dry.
Duggerara = Dugg. = Ada x Brassia x Miltonia
Dunnara = Dnna. = Broughtonia x Cattleyopsis x Domingoa
Dunningara = Dngra. = Aspasia x Miltonia x Oncidium
Dupontara = Dup. = Encyclia x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Durutyara = Dtya. = Batemannia x Otostylis x Zygopetalum x Zygosepalum
Duvalara = Duv. = Cattleya x Myrmecophila x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Duvivierara = Dvv. = Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium x Rhynchostele
Dyakanthus = Dkt. = Dyakia x Macropodanthus

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12 июл 2009, 02:10
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Eastonara = Eas. = Ascocentrum x Gastrochilus x Vanda
Edeara = Edr. = Arachnis x Phalaenopsis x Renanthera x Vandopsis
Elearethusa = Elsa. = Arethusa x Eleorchis
Elecalthusa = Ecth. = Arethusa x Calopogon x Eleorchis
Elecalthusa = Ecth. = Arethusa x Calopogon x Eleorchis
Eleorchis = Elo.
Elepogon = Elp. = Calopogon x Eleorchis
Eliara = Eliara = Brassia x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Elleanthus = Ellnth.
Eltroplectris = Eltrpl.
Elwesara = Ews. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Elythodia = Etha. = Elythranthera x Glossodia
Elythranthrera = Elth.
Embreea = Emb.
Enanthleya = Eny. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe
Encyarthrolia = Eyr. = Caularthron x Encyclia x Laelia
Encyclia = Encycl.
Encylaelia = Enl. = Encyclia x Laelia
Encyleyvola = Eyy. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Encyclia
Encytonavola = Etl. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Encyclia
Encyvola = Eyv. = Brassavola x Encyclia
Endlicherara = Edl. = Aspasia x Brassia x Miltonia x Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum
Engkhiamara = Ekma. = Aerides x Arachnis x Ascocentrum x Renanthera x Vanda
Engsoonara = Eng. = Esmeralda x Renanthera x Vanda x Vandopsis
Enzyvola = Eyv. = Brassavola x Encyclia
Ephemerantha = Ephem.
Epiarthron = Ert. = Caularthron x Epidendrum
Epibarkiella = Epbkl. = Barkeria x Epidendrum x Nageliella
Epiblastus = Epbls.
Epibrassonitis = Epbns. = Brassavola x Epidendrum x Sophronitis
Epicatanthe = Ett. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Guarianthe
Epicatarthron = Eth. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Epidendrum
Epicatcyclia = Ety. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Epidendrum
Epicatechea = Ecc. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Prosthechea
Epicatonia = Eoctn. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Epidendrum
Epicattleya = Epc. = Cattleya x Epidendrum
Epicyclia = Epy. = Encyclia x Epidendrum
Epidella = Epdla. = Epidendrum x Nageliella
Epidendrum = Epi.
Epidiacrium = Epdcm. = Diacrium x Epidendrum
Epidominkeria = Emk. = Barkeria x Domingoa x Epidendrum
Epierstedella = Erd. = Epidendrum x Oerstedella
Epigeneium = Epig.
Epiglottis = Epgl. = Epidendrum x Scaphyglottis
Epigoa = Epg. = Domingoa x Epidendrum
Epilaelia = Epl. = Epidendrum x Laelia
Epilaeliocattleya = Eplc. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia
Epilaeliopsis = Eplps. = Epidendrum x Laeliopsis
Epileptovola = Elva. = Brassavola x Epidendrum x Leptotes
Epimicra = Emc. = Epidendrum x Tetramicra
Epinidema = Epn. = Epidendrum x Nidema
Epiopsis = Eps. = Cattleyopsis x Epidendrum
Epipactis = Epcts.
Epiphila = Eil. = Epidendrum x Myrmecophila
Epiphronitis = Ephs. = Epidendrum x Sophronitis
Epirynanthe = Ery. = Epidendrum x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia
Epistoma = Epstm. = Ambostoma x Epidendrum
Epithechavola = Etv. = Brassavola x Epidendrum x Prosthechea
Epithechea = Etc. = Epidendrum x Prosthechea
Epitonanthe = Enn. = Broughtonia x Epidendrum x Guarianthe
Epitonia = Eptn. = Broughtonia x Epidendrum
Eriopsis = Erpss.
Erycina = Ercn.
Ernestara = Entra. = Phalaenopsis x Renanthera x Vandopsis
Eryidium = Erdm. = Erycina x Oncidium
Erythrodes = Erythd.
Esmeralda = Esmrls.
Esmeropsis = Ems. = Esmeralda x Vandopsis
Esmerstylis = Est. = Esmeralda x Rhynchostylis
Estelaara = Esta. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Tetramicra
Euanthe = Enth.
Eucentrum = Euc. = Ascocentrum x Doritis x Euanthe
Euclades = Eucl. = Eulophia x Oeceoclades
Eulocymbidiella = Eucmla. = Cymbidiella x Eulophiella
Eulophidium = Elphd.
Eulophyllum = Ely. = Eulophia x Grammatophyllum
Eulophia = Eupha.
Eulophiella = Eul.
Eulosellia = Ela. = Ansellia x Eulophia
Euryangis = Eugs. = Aerangis x Eurychone
Eurychone = Echn.
Eurygraecum = Eugcm. = Angraecum x Eurychone
Eurynopsis = Eunps. = Eurychone x Phalaenopsis
Eurystyles = Erstls.

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13 июл 2009, 02:11
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Fadenchoda (Rhynchofadanda) = Fdn. = Rhynchostylis x Seidenfadenia x Vanda
Fadenfinanda (Neofadanda) = Ffn. = Neofinetia x Seidenfadenia x Vanda
Fergusonara = Ferg. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Laelia x Schomburgkia x Sophronitis
Fernandezia = Frnndz.
Fialaara = Fia. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laelia x Laeliopsis
Fisherara = Fsh. = Neogardneria x Pabstia x Promenaea x Zygopetalum
Flickingeria = Flkga.
Fordyceara = Fdca. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laeliopsis x Tetramicra
Forgetara = Fgtra. = Aspasia x Brassia x Miltonia
Forsterara = Frs. = Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum
Fournierara = Frn. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Myrmecophila x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Fredclarkeara = Fdk. = Catasetum x Clowesia x Mormodes
Fredschechterara = Fre. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Schomburgkia
Freedara = Frda. = Ascoglossum x Renanthera x Vandopsis
Frezierara = Frz. = Aspasia x Cochlioda x Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum
Froebelara = Frb. = Cattleya x Psychilis x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Fuchsara = Fcr. = Ascocentrum x Christensonia x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Fujioara = Fjo. = Ascocentrum x Trichoglottis x Vanda
Fujiwarara = Fjw. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Laeliopsis

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13 июл 2009, 15:16
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Galabstia = Gbs. = Galeottia x Pabstia
Galeandra = Gal.
Galeansellia = Gslla. = Ansellia x Galeandra
Galeodes = Gds. = Galeandra x Mormodes
Galeonisia = Gln. = Aganisia x Galeottia
Galeopetalum = Gptm. = Galeottia x Zygopetalum
Galeorchis = Glrchs.
Galeosepalum = Glspm. = Galeottia x Zygosepalum
Galeottia = Glta.
Garayara = Ga. = Arachnis x Paraphalaenopsis x Vandopsis
Gastisia = Gsta. = Gastrochillus x Luisia
Gastisocalpa = Gscpa. = Gastrochilus x Luisia x Pomatocalpa
Gastritis = Gtts. = Doritis x Gastrochilus
Gastrochiloglottis = Gchgl. = Gastrochilus x Trichoglottis
Gastrochilus = Gchls.
Gastrophaius = Gastrochilus x Phaius
Gastrorchis = Gs.
Gastrosarcochilus = Gsarco. = Gastrochilus x Sarcochilus
Gastrostoma = Gstm. = Cleisostoma x Gastrochilus
Gastrothera = Gsrth. = Gastrochilus x Renanthera
Gauntlettara = Gtra. = Broughtonia x Cattleyopsis x Laeliopsis
Geoclades = Gcd. = Geodorum x Oeceoclades
Georgeblackara = Gbka. = Comparettia x Leochilus x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Geodorum = Geod.
Gerberara (Marvingerberara) = Gba. (Mrv.) = Brassavola x Diacrium (Caularthron) x Laelia
Gibezara Gbz. Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Gigara = Gigara = Baptistonia x Comparettia x Rodriguezia
Gladysyeeara = Glya. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Cattleyopsis x Diacrium x Epidendrum x Laelia
Glanzara = Glz. = Doritis x Rhynchostylis x Vandopsis
Glossodia = Gloss.
Goffara = Gfa. = Luisia x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Gohartia = Ghta. = Gomesa x Lockhartia
Golumnia = Glm. = Gomesa x Tolumnia
Gomada = Gmda. = Ada x Gomesa
Gomadachtia = Gmd. = Ada x Brachtia x Gomesa
Gomenkoa = Gmk. = Gomesa x Zelenkoa
Gomesa = Gom.
Gomettia = Gmtta. = Comparettia x Gomesa
Gomguezia = Gmg. = Gomesa x Rodriguezia
Gomochilus = Gnch. = Gomesa x Leochilus
Gomoglossum = Gmgm. = Gomesa x Odontoglossum
Gomonciada = Goa. = Ada x Gomesa x Oncidium
Gomonia = Gmn. = Gomesa x Miltonia
Gonginia = Ggn. = Gongora x Paphinia
Gongora = Gga.
Gongorhaea = Grh. = Cirrhaea x Gongora
Goodaleara = Gdlra. = Brassia x Cochlioda x Miltonia x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Goodyera = Gdyra.
Goodisachilus = Gdc. = Anoectochilus x Goodyera x Ludisia
Goodisia = Gda. = Goodyera x Ludisia
Goodsonara = Goo. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Gosseara = Gss. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Gottererara = Gott. = Ascocentrum x Renanthera x Vandopsis
Gottoara = Got. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Encyclia x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Grammatocymbidium = Grcym. = Cymbidium x Grammatophyllum
Grammatoheadia = Grda. = Bromheadia x Grammatophyllum
Grammatomangis = Gtm. = Grammangis x Grammatophyllum
Grammatopodium = Grtp. = Cyrtopodium x Grammatophyllum
Grammatophyllum = Gram.
Grammoglottis = Ggt. = Grammatophyllum x Porphyroglottis
Graphiella = Grpla. = Cymbidiella x Graphorkis
Graphorkis = Grks.
Gratrixara = Grx. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Grayara = Gry. = Ascocentrum x Neofinetia x Sedirea x Vanda
Groganara = Ggr. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Caularthron x Guarianthe x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Guarcholia = Guc. = Encyclia x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia
Guarcyclinitis = Gcl. = Encyclia x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Guarechea = Grc. = Guarianthe x Prosthechea
Guarianthe (Epicladium) = Gur.
Guariburgkia = Gbk. = Guarianthe x Schomburgkia
Guaricatophila = Gcp. = Cattleya x Guarianthe x Myrmecophila
Guaricattonia = Gct. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Guarianthe
Guaricyclia = Gcy. = Encyclia x Guarianthe
Guaridendrum = Gdd. = Epidendrum x Guarianthe
Guariencychea = Gny. = Encyclia x Guarianthe x Prosthechea
Guarilaeliarthron = Glt. = Caularthron x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Guarilaelivola = Glv. = Brassavola x Guarianthe x Laelia
Guarimicra = Gmc. = Guarianthe x Tetramicra
Guarisophilia = Gsp. = Guarianthe x Laelia x Sophronitis
Guarisophleya = Gsl. = Cattleya x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Guaritonia = Grt. = Broughtonia x Guarianthe
Guaritoniclia = Grn. = Broughtonia x Encyclia x Guarianthe
Guarlaeliopsis = Glp. = Guarianthe x Laeliopsis
Guaronilia = Gua. = Guarianthe x Myrmecophila x Sophronitis
Guarophidendrum = Gpd. = Epidendrum x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Guarthroleya = Gty. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Guarianthe
Guarthron = Gut. = Caularthron x Guarianthe
Guartonichea = Gtc. = Cattleya x Domingoa x Prosthechea
Guarvolclia = Gvl. = Brassavola x Encyclia x Guarianthe
Gumara = Gum. = Diacrium x Epidendrum x Laelia
Gymnadenia = Gym.

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13 июл 2009, 15:47
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Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Habenaria = Hab.
Hackerara = Hkr. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Oerstedella x Sophronitis
Hagerara = Hgra. = Doritis x Phalaenopsis x Vanda
Hagsatera = Hgstra.
Hagsavola = Hgv. = Brassavola x Hagsatera
Hagsechea = Hgc. = Hagsatera x Prosthechea
Hamelwellsara = Hmwsa. = Aganisia x Batemannia x Otostylis x Zygopetalum x Zygosepalum
Hamiltonara = Hmtn. = Ada x Brassia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum
Hanburyara = Hby. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Encyclia x Sophronitis
Hansenara = Hns. = Cattleya × Encyclia × Laelia × Sophronitis
Hanesara = Han. = Aerides x Arachnis x Neofinetia
Haraenopsis = Hnp. = Haraella x Phalaenopsis
Harrisara = Hrs. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Hartara = Hart. = Broughtonia x Laelia x Sophronitis
Hartwegia = Hrtwg.
Hasegawaara = Hasgw. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laelia x Sophronitis
Hasskarlara = Has. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Laelia x Myrmecophila
Hattoriara = Hatt. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia
Hausermannara = Haus. = Doritis x Phalaenopsis x Vandopsis
Hawaiiara = Haw. = Renanthera x Vanda x Vandopsis
Hawkesara = Hwkra. = Cattleya x Cattleyopsis x Epidendrum
Hawkinsara = Hknsa. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Laelia x Sophronitis
Haywoodara = Hyw. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Caularthron x Guarianthe x Laelia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Helpilia = Hpla. = Helcia x Trichopilia
Hapalochilus = Hap.
Haraella = Hal.
Helcia = Hlc.
Helpilia = Hpla. = Helcia x Trichopilia
Herbertara = Hbtr. = Cattleya x Laelia x Schomburgkia x Sophronitis
Hermoara = Hro. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Encyclia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Hermorchis = Hrm. = Herminium x Orchis
Herschelia = Hers.
Herschellanthe = Hrslth.
Herscheliodisa = Hrds. = Disa x Herschelia
Hertensteinara = Hrt. = Cischweinfia x Leochilus x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Hetaeria = Hetra.
Hexadesmia = Hex.
Hexisea = Hxsa.
Higashiara = Hgsh. = Cattleya x Diacrium x Laelia x Sophronitis
Hildaara = Hdra. = Broughtonia x Laeliopsis x Schomburgkia
Himoriara = Hmra. = Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Hintonella = Hntnll.
Hippeophyllum = Hpphy.
Hirayamaara = Hry. = Ascocentrum x Neofinetia x Paraphalaenopsis x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Holcanthera = Hol. = Holcoglossum x Renanthera
Holcenda = Hln. = Ascocentrum x Holcoglossum x Vanda
Holcocentrum = Hctm. = Ascocentrum x Holcoglossum
Holcodirea = Hld. = Holcoglossum x Sedirea
Holcoglossum= Holc.
Holcopsis = Hlp. = Holcoglossum x Vandopsis
Holcosia = Hls. = Holcoglossum x Luisia
Holfordara = Hfd. = Cattleya x Caularthron x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Hollingtonara = Hog. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Encyclia x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Holmara = Hlm. = Baptistonia x Leochilus x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Holothrix = Hlthx.
Holttumara = Holtt. = Arachnis x Renanthera x Vanda
Homalopetalum = Homal.
Hookerara = Hook. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Diacrium
Houlletia = Hlt.
Houllora = Hlra. = Gongora x Houlletia
Howeara = Hwra. = Leochilus x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Hrubyara = Hru. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe x Sophronitis
Hsuara = Hsu. = Baptistonia x Cochlioda x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Huangara = Hng. = Leochilus x Macradenia x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Hueylihara = Hylra. = Neofinetia x Renanthera x Rhynchostylis
Hugofreedara = Hgfda. = Ascocentrum x Doritis x Kingiella
Humboldtara = Hmb. = Cuitlauzina x Miltonia x Miltoniopsis x Odontoglossum x Oncidium
Hummelara = Humm. = Barkeria x Brassavola x Epidendrum
Huntleanthes = Hnths. = Cochleanthes x Huntleya
Huntleya = Hya.
Hurstara = Hur. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Prosthechea x Sophronitis
Hybochilus = Hybch.
Hyedecromara = Hcm. = Comparettia x Oncidium x Rodriguezia x Zelenkoa
Hygranda = Hyd. = Hygrochilus x Vanda
Hygrocenda = Hcd. = Ascocentrum x Hygrochilus x Vanda
Hygrochilus = Hygrch.
Hygrodirea = Hgd. = Hygrochilus x Sedirea
Hymenorchis = Hyrch.
Hyntleya = Hya.

Мои цветики-семицветики

14 июл 2009, 10:44
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Iacovielloara = Icvl. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Diacrium x Epidendrum x Laelia
Ilonara = Ilo. = Gomesa x Rodriguezia x Tolumnia
Ingramara = Ing. = Brassavola x Broughtonia x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Rhyncholaelia x Sophronitis
Inobulbon = Inblb.
Ionettia = Intta. = Comparettia x Ionopsis
Ionocentrum = Ict. = Ionopsis x Trichocentrum
Ionocidium = Incdm. = Ionopsis x Oncidium
Ionopsis = Inps.
Ionumnia = Inm. = Ionopsis x Tolumnia
Ipsea = Ip.
Ipseglottis = Ips. = Ipsea x Spathoglottis
Irvingara = Irv. = Arachnis x Renanthera x Trichoglottis
Isabelia = Isblia.
Isadendrum = Isd. = Epidendrum x Isabelia
Isaoara = Isr. = Aerides x Ascocentrum x Phalaenopsis x Vanda
Isochilus = Ischls.
Iwanagara = Iwan. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Diacrium x Laelia
Izumiara = Izma. = Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Schomburgkia x Sophronitis

Мои цветики-семицветики

14 июл 2009, 10:52
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 26 май 2009, 19:54
Сообщения: 1884
Сообщение Re: Сокращения названий орхидей, родители гибридов
Jacquinara = Jqn. = Cattleya x Encyclia x Guarianthe x Laelia x Sophronitis
Janssenara = Jan. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Guarianthe x Laelia
Jeaneara = Jen. = Aganisia x Warrea x Zygopetalum
Jewellara = Jwa. = Broughtonia x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia
Jimenezara = Jmzra. = Broughtonia x Laelia x Laeliopsis
Jisooara = Jsr. = Neofinetia x Rhynchostylis x Seidenfadenia x Vanda
Joannara = Jnna. = Renanthera x Rhynchostylis x Vanda
Johnara = Jon. = Cochleanthes x Pabstia x Promenaea x Zygopetalum
Johnkellyara = Jkl. = Brassia x Leochilus x Oncidium x Rodriguezia
Johnsonara = Joh. = Ascocentrum x Ascoglossum x Paraphalaenopsis x Renanthera
Johnyeeara = Jya. = Brassavola x Cattleya x Epidendrum x Laelia x Schomburgkia x Sophronitis
Jumanthes = Jmth. = Aeranthes x Jumellea
Jumellea = Jum.

Мои цветики-семицветики

16 июл 2009, 01:18
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